Sam’s Town is a three-chapter story written, developed, and created by Sam Santos expressed through the medium of clothing. A year since the story was written, the first release (Chapter 1) will display the very beginning of the narrative.
The clothing itself is inspired by post-apocalyptic stories across all mediums - mainly films but also television, anime/graphic novels, and video games. Santos also references Garden of Earthly Delights by Hieronymous Bosch in its triptych format by splitting the collection into three parts, while using each panel's imagery as the inspiration for each chapter of the collection. The first panel represents the innocent, the middle represents sin, and the last represents hell or punishment.
Sam's Town is a metaphorical representation of what it takes to survive as an outsider with Santos' experience as an immigrant, transitioning to a new way of life in an instant. The characters (or "looks") represents the various stages of the archetypal hero's journey to a fictional oasis called Sam's Town.

︎ SANTOS EST. 2021